C- This post was made by H. Rheingold about seven months ago, thus the information is fairly new, and very relevent. It does not appear to have been updated more recently, but that does not change the facts Rheingold recites.
R- The information included in this post revolves around the Internet; more specifically, the not-so-useful information offered by the Internet. The content is more or less opinionated, although Rheingold does state opinions of critics, etc. "Some critics argue that a tsunami of hogwash has already rendered the Web useless. I disagree" (para. 2).
A- Howard Rheingold is the author for this posting, and his contact information and picture are both clearly posted, which makes the source that much more credible. Furthermore, Rheingold links the post to his own website and biography - this is (very likely) a real person. These things give the readers more of an idea of who originally created the post, as well as who to contact with any questions or concerns. http://www.rheingold.com/ is Rheingold's actual website, which increased credibility tenfold. There are some advertisements lingering on the right side of the post, although these are not "pop-ups" that distract and irritate readers. His main goal seems to be to inform rather than to strongly persuade his readers.
P- No sales are attempted to be made. Bias is apparent, but not overwhelming.
Note: Image from: http://aaronblomberg.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2008/03/poop.gif
You have links.
ReplyDeleteDamnit, I forgot to include a link. I'mma see if I can get one in before she notices.