Monday, April 12, 2010

Final Blog Post - Reflection, Steven Wagers

Well, we are almost at the end of this semester and I feel as if I have learned a great deal from this class. First off I have learned how to write for a blog. Certainly we have spent a lot of time working on this blog and therefore I have had tons of times to practise writing for it. As a side effect, perhaps, I have also learned the value of blogs. It gives you a chance to have your voice heard, as the stuff you post on a blog is published to the web so anyone can read it.

Also I have learned about the values of copy editing and proofreading. Although I still may not edit as well as I should, I certainly think I do a better job now than I did a few short months ago. Learning a bit about the mark up symbols will be a good thing to know in the future and I am certainly glad that we got an opportunity to learn about them.

We also got a chance to glimpse into the life of a true blue copy editor by doing countless exercises where would would scour the internet searching for mistakes in any online news publications. These practises were useful in that they taught us to read critically and to train our eyes to find mistakes that others might overlook. They taught us how to be better copy editors, and I know that my writing and proofreading has benefitted from my new found knowledge.

All in all, it's been an interesting last few months, and I can honestly say I feel more in touch with the online world, and that is definitely a good thing. I've enjoyed this semester and I've enjoyed what I have had the chance to experience in this class and in every other this year.

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