Ask sources to spell name & title: PROBLEM: "Inukshuks" is the English spelling. "Inuksuks" is the proper spelling.
Record or transcribe interviews: ---
Verify claims with reliable sources: CHECK!
Save links and other research: CHECK!
Ask sources what other reports got wrong: No other reports.
Ask sources to spell name & title: PROBLEM: "Inukshuks" is the English spelling. "Inuksuks" is the proper spelling.
Record or transcribe interviews: ---
Verify claims with reliable sources: CHECK!
Save links and other research: CHECK!
Ask sources what other reports got wrong: No other reports.
Numbers & Math: PROBLEM: The age's of Bruce's children are both under the number 10; therefore, they should be spelled out, according to CP Style.
Names: CHECK!
Titles (people, books etc.): CHECK!
Locations: CHECK!
Compare quotes to notes/recording: CHECK!
Quote Attribution: CHECK!
Definitions: CHECK!
URLs: ---
Spelling & Grammar: PROBLEM: "Inukshuks" is the English spelling. "Inuksuks" is the proper spelling.
Spellchecker Errors: ---
Names: CHECK!
Titles (people, books etc.): CHECK!
Locations: CHECK!
Compare quotes to notes/recording: CHECK!
Quote Attribution: CHECK!
Definitions: CHECK!
URLs: ---
Spelling & Grammar: PROBLEM: "Inukshuks" is the English spelling. "Inuksuks" is the proper spelling.
Spellchecker Errors: ---
Accuracy and journalism truly go hand-in-hand. Without accuracy, there is no credibility. In turn, without credibility, there is not legitimate news. The biggest problem with inaccuracy is lack of time (and effort) in the proofreading stage. The reason news papers have editors is to preform this very task, and preform it well. There are certainly some things that go unnoticed, typically do to Spellcheck, but then again, editors should be the ones with the final say, NOT the computers.
Note: Image from: http://www.ocanadagear.com/graphics/inukshuk-build1.jpg
I believe you meant to write, 'perform' instead of 'preform', both times. It is just a simple spelling error. No sweat!