Importance of social media
The thing I feel was most stressed throughout this course and will remain in my mind for years and years to come is the importance of accepting social media and the direction journalism is taking. I have come to realize and sadly accept that traditional journalism is slowly a dying industry. I think I feel that way from the constant emphasis this course has pushed for social media. I have learned how to tweet, and that a "tweet" is the verb form of using twitter. I have also learned how to use a blog, something that was completely beyond me before this course.
Copyediting and proofreading blogs
Another thing that I have learned through this course is the importance of copyediting and proofreading my work before I submit it. Some blogs are viewed by millions of people making the author of that blog responsible for its content. If the author makes multiple grammar, spelling or factual errors then that author should be responsible for the repercussions that may follow. Twitter and blogs are important ways in this changing world for distribution of news and ensuring the facts are as accurate as possible is crucial. I would never want to read something somebody submitted that was littered with errors. However, I also learned that making mistakes is a great way to not make potential mistakes. Perhaps, proofreading the copy before submitting it is a good way to have initially made the mistake but catch it before it comprises my credibility.
My future of journalism
I don't know how much I will embrace these new forms of technology in my future. I wouldn't say I am opposed to them but I just didn't expect this is where journalism was heading when I first entered the course. I have to admit it's a little disheartening to realize that the use of Twitter and blogs are so important to my future. Similar to what Jayme said in his blog post, I don't want to be tweeting 24/7 about what is happening in my city. What happened to waking up in the morning with a cup of coffee and a newspaper? Everybody is in such a hurry now and there is no time to enjoy the news. I think I will grow to accept this fate but I would say the traditional form needs so much support right now in order to survive. It needs a way to compete with the ever-changing online news outlets that people are embracing for their news sources.
Note: Image from MikeWhite
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