When I hear the word bias, immediately Fox News comes to mind. They have a long record of being slanted towards anything conservative (guns, drugs gay marriage, etc.). Its great line-up of Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, Bill O'Reilly, and many others have even come out and said that "we represent the traditional values of America".
Now, I don't know what the traditional values are for America nowadays (I hope they ditched the slavery idea), but I can tell you that Fox News goes out of its way to make sure that Republicans are made out to look better on television than Democrats. A small example of what I mean:
Now I know its only one example, so you can view 100 more of these videos at this website if you would like more proof.
I will agree that it is kind of ironic to use a Youtube user with the name of 'LiberalViewer' to show the bias of a right-wing network, but the man has done his homework and checked his facts when it comes to showing bias within Fox News. When Rupert Murdoch allows his employees to act like crazies on television, he is defiling the art of journalism.
In addition, Fox News should not include opinion shows like Glenn Beck and Bill O'Reilly. These opinionated shows are a form of propaganda, and it sickens me to see how many ratings they get. I am ALL for them having their own shows, but to label them as 'News Anchors' is a mockery of the art of reporting the news. Ron Burgandy would be ashamed...
Image taken from San Francisco Guardian
Video from Youtube user LiberalViewer
Definitely worth reading through them. Had a good Sunday Thought.