Friday, February 26, 2010

Vocabulary Builder, Pamela Di Pinto

Short words are essential for headline writers when limited by space. Here are ten words from the vocabulary list from pg. 181 of the text, plus two extra short synonyms for each word. At the bottom are two of my own words to add to the list, along with their shorter synonyms:

*Note: My additions are in italics
  1. Acquire: get, gain, earn
  2. Answer: reply, retort, rejoin
  3. Confess: admit, grant, allow
  4. Decline, Decrease: dip, fall, drop, crash
  5. Destroy: raze, beat, crush
  6. Murder: kill, slay, snuff, whack
  7. Resign: quit, leave, cede
  8. Reveal: tell, show, blurt
  9. Steal: rob, loot, take, rob, nab
  10. Suspend: stop, end, delay, defer

My additions to the list:
  1. Assault: hit, beat
  2. Deliver: give, deal

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