This chapter covers checking facts-knowing how reliable a reference source is, knowing how to use indexes and internet search tools, using internet discussion groups, usenet newsgroups, and commercial electronic databases.- The author of the text wants me to know how to effectively search the internet and find credible sources with correct information.
- The author wants to be critical towards internet information and its origins, as well know how to effectively use many different methods of gathering knowledge.
- This text is geared towards journalists, editors and other critical minds looking to check facts and accuracy.
Structures and Features
- Structures and features used in the text are bullet points, arrows, numbers, colours and subheads to break up the wall of text and emphasize more important aspects.
- The style of the text is designed for scannability. It's formatted in a way that makes it easy to locate certain information.
- The images and figures highlight extra information and give examples and visuals to make the text more tangible.
- The language used is technical and informational English.
- The words suggest that the authors are well versed in the realm of internet terminology.
- The text is for the sake of information. It is not slanted in any direction that we can see. We could even go so far as to say it is objective. The highest of journalistic virtues.
- The government and educational institutions are seen in good light as page 97 says "Generally information on government and educational institution website is considered more reliable than that in other domains..." No group is viewed in a particularly bad light. The differences and similarites of groups are compared and it is up to the reader to make their own inferences.
- The text serves the interest of people looking for reliable means to research using the internet.
- Benefiting from the text being read is the groups mentioned in it. Usenet groups, internet discussion groups, and specific sites mentioned get free advertising through the textbook.
- The lists of sites mentioned as good search tools are described by the author, and not in their own words, making them 'seen' but not 'heard'. The author did try and solve this problem by giving the website's URL.
- Those who are not seen in the text, as very good at hiding and therefore remain annoymous even to us.
- This text is geared in the direction of journalists/editors. Someone trying to slant the facts would not want these credible sources revealed.
- This text missed mentioning old school ways of checking the facts which is hitting the books-going to a library and checking published material.
*Note-image from http://oorjas.files.wordpress.com/2009/02/scrutiny.jpg
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