J-Source is a Canadian journalism site where journalists can find facts, opinions, tools, advice, and connections.
Overall Content
The prupose of the page is to present information about journalism and provide connections with others in the business. There is no reason for the information to be fabricated, there is also a long list of resources which can be used to to backcheck as well as links to original sources. There is no advertisments in the site to sway it on any point of interest. The author is clearly identified with current dates visible on all articles. This site is directed towards Canadian journalism and aspiring journalists from Canada offering information on schools, useful resources and mentors.
Compare with Other Resources
As compared to books and hard copy aricles this site runs circles around them. The information is up-to-date, visible in real time, and porivdes a wide range of information and topics related to Canada. It is easily searchable with a seach engine limited to this specific web site, and creates relevant and useful links to other places in the web. The web stie is news orientated therefore requires timely up-to -date information. Historical material is welcomed for refrence but not necessary.
Authors differ by story, however the site was originally created in 1999 and has been well kept since with a large list of Editors and Managers. The founding Editor was Ivor Shapiro from the Ryerson University. The main editors are professors from Canadian Univeristies that teach Journalism. The authors have attempted from inform viewers of options for Canadian journalists and some of the issues related to being a journalist in Canada. The website is sponsored by The Canadian Journalism Foundation and leading journalism schools in Canada. It is a national project run by many instiutions in Canada. There is easily accesible contact information for the home office as well as the Editors.
Check the Links
There are no cleary stated rules for links, the majority of them seem to be up-to-date and in working order. They link to a range of information from all over the web that could be found elsewhere, but creates an easy atmosphere for curious poeople to investigate.
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