Overall Content:
- The website being published by the Poynter Institute (a journalism school) is free, but contains several advertisements of different kinds.
- Authours of the articles are named, but their titles are not disclosed. The page was updated several times on the day of evaluation.
- The site is intended for journalists, journalism students and other news junkies although this is not stated on the site.
Compare with other resources:
- The website may not provide better content than written publications, the content is simply of another character.
- Since the site is published by a journalism school, the audience can expect a fairly high degree of reliability.
- The site (as many other websites) focus primarily on current information even though it dates back to 1995.
- There is a multitude of various tools and information on the site, and the site links out to relevant information.
- Poynter Institute is the author of the website.
- Poynter Institute is a school of journalism. PI is the owner of a company that publishes St Petersburg Times and Florida Trend magazine.
- The content is meant to educate, and has an extensive list of corrections to their own articles.
- The site is funded by advertisements on the page.
- The Poynter Institute supports its own information.
- It's an American institution that provides the page.
- Contact information is provided on the website.
Check the Links
- The site provides both internal and external links. The references are stated fairly clearly.
- The newer links we tested all worked, but a link from a 1999 article disappointed us. Dates of revision are not posted on the articles.
- The links do not seem to have been evaluated in any way.
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